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A Birth Control Support Network for Women

Seven in 10 pregnancies to women between the ages of 18-29 are unplanned. This statistic applies to women of all ethnicities and socioeconomic levels. Complicating matters are the social tension between abstinence-only and contraception-inclusive education, and the difficulty and expense associated with obtaining prescription birth control.

Our team’s challenge was to address these statistics, which led us to create a sex-positive brand and experience which could help change behavior. During my time at IDEO, I had the opportunity (and pleasure) to work The National Campaign for many years. As a core team member, I worked on Bedsider and the resulting brand from concept to creation.


The National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy


IDEA Gold, Service Design, 2011
IDEA Bronze, Research, 2011
IDEA Bronze, Design Strategy, 2011
Spark Gold Award, 2009



Besider logo
Brand photography
Besider Collateral

Fact or Fiction

A series of animated videos that use humor to debunk common birth control misconceptions.
Illustrations by Kate Bingaman-Burt.